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Getting Started with ASP.NET Identity

The ASP.NET Identity system is designed to replace the previous ASP.NET Membership and Simple Membership systems. It includes profile support, OAuth integration, works with OWIN, and is included with the ASP.NET templates shipped with Visual Studio 2013.

  1. Introduction to ASP.NET Identity

    By Pranav Rastogi, Rick Anderson, Tom Dykstra and Jon Galloway|

    Explains the differences between ASP.NET Membership, Simple Membership, and ASP.NET Identity.

  2. Overview of Authentication Options for New Projects in Visual Studio

    Authentication methods offered in Visual Studio 2013

  3. Introduction to ASP.NET Identity (Video)

    Follow the informative and entertaining team of Adam Tuliper and Jeremy Foster, as they explain everything you need to know to implement, extend, and customize ASP.NET Identity.

  4. Deploy a Secure ASP.NET MVC application with OAuth, Membership and SQL Database

    This tutorial shows how to create and deploy a secure ASP.NET MVC 5 app using OAuth, the membership database with SQL data.

  5. Building a Simple To-Do Application with ASP.NET Identity and Associating Users with To-Do Items

    This tutorial shows how to create a simple To-Do application and associate To-Do items with users from ASP.NET Identity. In other words, the tutorial shows how you can mix and match Entity Framework Code First Models for application-specific data with the user data from ASP.NET Identity.

  6. Code! MVC 5 App with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google OAuth2 Sign-on (C#)

    By Rick Anderson|

    This tutorial shows you how to build an ASP.NET MVC 5 web application that enables users to log in using OAuth 2.0 with credentials from an external authentication provider, such as Facebook, Twitt...

  7. ASP.NET Identity Recommended Resources

    By Rick Anderson|

    This topic provides links to documentation resources about how to use ASP.NET Identity. If you know a great blog post, stackoverflow thread, or any other link that would be useful, send us an email...

  8. Adding ASP.NET Identity to an Empty or Existing Web Forms Project

    By Raquel Soares De Almeida|

    This tutorial shows you how to add ASP.NET Identity (the new membership system for ASP.NET) to an ASP.NET application. When you create a new Web Forms or MVC project in Visual Studio 2013 RTM with...

  9. Get More Information from Social Providers Used in the VS 2013 Project Templates

    When you create a New ASP.NET Project in VS 2013 and choose Individual Accounts, the template shows how you can login with Social providers such as Microsoft Account, Facebook, Google and Twitter. When you login with these Social Providers such as Facebook, you can request more information about the user such as the User’s picture, friends etc. and if the user allows your app to access this data then you can get this information and provide a rich experience in your site.

  10. Azure Active Directory Video Series

    This link opens the first in a series of videos about Azure Active Directory, presented by Scott Hanselman and the Microsoft program manager for Azure Active Directory, Vittorio Bertocci. The videos are in the Azure Friday series, and the others in the series can be found at

  11. ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms Membership and Administration

    This tutorial shows you how to update a Web Forms sample application to add an administrator role and use ASP.NET Identity. It also shows you how to implement an administration page from which the administrator can add and remove products from the website.

  12. Using On-Premises Organizational Authentication with ADFS

    How to set up a new project in Visual Studio 2013 that uses the On-Premises Organizational Authentication option.

  13. Developing ASP.NET Apps with Windows Azure Active Directory

    By Rick Anderson|

    Microsoft ASP.NET tools for Azure Active Directory makes it simple to enable authentication for web applications hosted on Azure . You can use Azure Authentication to authenticate Office 365 users...

  14. External Authentication Services: Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Twitter

    How to add authentication by Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Twitter to a Web API application. Includes information that applies also to MVC.

  15. ASP.NET Identity (dotnetConf 2014)

    ASP.NET Identity is a totally rewritten framework that brings the ASP.NET membership system into the modern era. ASP.NET Identity makes it easier to integrate different authentication systems such as local username, password as well as social logins such as Facebook, Twitter etc. It also gives you greater control over persisting data to your backend technology of choice. ASP.NET Identity is a game changer by bringing in more modern authentication systems such as Two-Factor Authentication. You can use ASP.NET Identity to secure Web Apps as well as Web APIs.

  16. ASP.NET Identity: Using MySQL Storage with an EntityFramework MySQL Provider

    By Raquel Soares De Almeida, Maurycy Markowski and Robert McMurray|

    This tutorial shows you how to replace the default data storage mechanism for ASP.NET Identity with EntityFramework (SQL client provider) with a MySQL provider.