ASP.NET Web API is a framework that makes it easy to build HTTP services that reach a broad range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices. ASP.NET Web API is an ideal platform for building RESTful applications on the .NET Framework.
The basics of building an HTTP service using ASP.NET Web API
By Mike Wasson|
In this tutorial, you will create your first HTTP service using ASP.NET Web API.
This video from Scott Hanselman will get you started on ASP.NET Web API.
Use Visual Studio to create a Web API app hosted in Azure Mobile Services.
By Mike Wasson|
Describes how Web API converts the return value from a controller action into an HTTP response.
This poster shows how an HTTP request flows through the Web API 2 pipeline, and how the HTTP response flows back. It also shows extensibility points, where you can add custom code or even replace the default behavior entirely.
Pro ASP.NET Web API, by Tugberk Ugurlu and Alexander Zeitler, shows you how to build flexible, extensible web services that run seamlessly on a range of operating systems and devices, from desktops to tablets to smart phones—even the ones we don’t know today.
By Mike Wasson|
This tutorial shows how to use ASP.NET Web API in an ASP.NET Web Forms project.
By Mike Wasson|
Learn how to add help pages for your web API, so that other developers will know how to call your API.
By Web Camps Team|
Build Geek Quiz, a trivia website based on the SPA concept, from the ground up using ASP.NET Web API, AngularJS, and CSS3.